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281.Find favour with men of good sense

Find favour with men of good sense. The tepid Yes of a remarkable man is worth more than all the applause of the vulgar: you cannot make a meal off the smoke of chaff. The wise speak with understanding and their praise gives permanent satisfaction. The sage Antigonus reduced the theatre of his fame to Zeus alone, and Plato called Aristotle his whole school. Some strive to fill their stomach albeit only with the breath of the mob. Even monarchs have need of authors, and fear their pens more than ugly women the painter's pencil.

(1) 安提格诺斯是马其顿国王,曾暂时统一了希腊,亦爱好诗歌及哲学,十分推崇斯多葛派哲学的创始人芝诺(约前334—约前262)。

(2) 柏拉图是古希腊著名哲学家,苏格拉底的学生,亚里士多德(前384—前322)(古希腊著名哲学家、科学家)的老师。