Kuang, Ying-Chieh.-Born in Sunning, Kwangtung, 1886. Mar-ried, 1907. Studied at Canton Christian College, Canton, 1901-3; at Li-Shing Industrial College, Honkong, 1903-4; at Peiyang University, Tientsin, 1904-10. Chin Shih, 1910. Member, Hanlin Academy, 1911. Arrived in America, August, 1912. Government support. Studied Mining and Metallurgy at Columbia University, 1912-13. M.A., 1913. Member, American Institute of Mining Engineers, 1913. Chinese Representative to the International Engineer-ing. Congress at San Franciso, 1915. Member, American Association for Ad-vancement of Science, 1916. Returned to China, Augnst, 1916.