Young, In.-Born in San Francisco, 1886. Studied at Mill's Institute, Honolulu, T. H., 1896-9; at Honolulu High School, 1899-1904. Graduated, 1904. Arrived in America, 1905. Government support. Studied Civil Engineering at Yale University, 1906-8; Mining Engineering at Lehigh University, 1908-10; Geology and Mining at Columbia University, 1910-11. Ph. B., 1908; E. M., 1911. Awarded second prize for oratory, February, 1909. Editor, Chinese Students' Monthly, 1907-8. Engineer, Peale, Peacock and Kerr Coal Co., Pa., 1910-12. Returned to China, February, 1913. Mining Engineer, Nanning, Kwangsi, 1913. Assistant Engineer, Szechuen-Hankow Railway, I-Chang section, 1914. Engineer-in-Chief, Tayeh Iron Mines, 1915 to date.