Kwauk, Jean-Shaw.-Born in Chinkiang, Kiangsu, 1888. Mar-ried, 1912. Studied at Anglo-Chinese College, Shanghai, 1898-1900; at St. John's University, Shanghai, 1903; at Aurora and Fu Tan Colleges, Shang-hai, 1904-8. Graduated from Fu Tan College, 1908. Teacher: Shih-Min School, Canton, 1903-4; Hung Dou College, Shensi, 1906-7. Arrived in America, September, 1908. Private support. Studied Economics at the Uni-versity of Wisconsin, 1908-9; at the University of Indiana, 1909-10. Re-turned to China, July, 1910. Teacher of a high school in Szechuen, 1910-11. Secretary and Translator, Admiralty at Canton, 1911. Secretary to the General Staff, Kwangtung Republican Army, 1911-12. Chief, Transporting and Engineering Department, the Fourth Army Corps, 1912. Given the Rank of Colonel, 1912. Superintendent, Nanyang Tobacco Co. Factory, Shanghai, 1916.