Chang, Tsun.-Born in Tsukiang, Hupeh, 1886. Studied at Pu-tung College, Wuchang, 1904-8. Graduated, 1908. Teacher, Grammar School, Tzu-Kiang, Hupeh, 1909. Arrived in America, November, 1900. Government support. Prepared for college at Cushing Academy, 1909-11. Studied Chemistry at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1911-16. S.B., 1915. Awarded Smith Prize for excellence in Physics and Chemistry, June, 1911. Chinese Secretary, Chinese Students' Alliance, 1912-13 and Councilman, 1915-16. Chairman, M.I.T. Cosmopolitan Club, 1913-14. Research Assistant in Physical Chemistry, M.I.T., 1915-16. Invented a Chinese Index System. Editor, Chinese Students' Quarterly and National Defence, 1915-16. Retured to China, July, 1916. Teacher, Government Teachers' College, Nanking, 1916 to date.