Yuen, Chung C.-Born in Canton, 1886. Married, 1906. Studied at Canton Middle School, 1904-6; at Educational Mission School, Canton, 1906-7. Arrived in America, June, 1907. Private support. Studied Liberal Arts at Simpson College, 1907-8; Agriculture at Iowa State College, 1908-12. B.S., 1912. Elected to Pythian Society, January, 1909. Returned to China, August, 1912. Teacher and Experimenter, Kwangtung Agricul-tural Experimental Station, 1912-16. Member, Board of Directors, Kwangtung College, 1915-16. President, Kwangtung College, 1915-16. Member, Club Concordia, 1914. Correspondent, Agriculture Monthly, 1914 to date.