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秦汾 字景阳。生于江苏嘉定。在美入哈佛大学。习天文及数学。宣统元年。得学士及硕士学位。宣统二年。回国。历任南京江南高等学堂教务长。及上海浦东中学校校长。上海南洋中学及南洋公学教员。北京大学天文数学教员。著有数学教科书多种。现时住址。北京前泥洼。

Ch'in, Fên.-Born in Chia-Ting, Kiangsu. Studied Mathematics and Astronomy at Harvard University. A,B., (magna cum laude), 1909; A.M., 1909. Retnrned to China, June, 1910. Was Principal: Kiangnan College, Nanking and Pootung Middle School, Shanghai; Teacher, Nanyang College, Shanghai. Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy, Government Univer-sity, Peking. Author of a series of text books on Mathematics in Chinese.