Ling, Pyau.-Born in Hsiangshan, Kwangtung. 1888. Studied at St. John's University, Shanghai, 1905-8. Arrived in America, June, 1908. Private support. Studied Political Science at the University of Wisconsin, 1908-12. B.A., 1912. Studied in Germany, 1912-16. Pol. D., Imperial Bavarian Julius Maximilian University, 1914. Took post-graduate course in Law at Imperial University of Berlin, 1914-16. Subject of doctor's dissertation: "The Chinese Revolution 1911-12 with Special Reference to its Financial, Colonial and Con-stitutional Aspects". Author, "Causes of Chinese Emigration", American Journal of Social and Political Scieace, 1912, etc. Interpreter, Chinese Legation at Berlin, 1914-16. Returned to China from Germany, September, 1916. Member, Minis-try of Foreign Affairs, 1917.