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周厚坤 字厚坤。年二十八岁。生于江苏无锡。永久通信处。上海南洋公学。未婚。初毕业上海南洋公学。又学于唐山路矿学校。宣统二年。以官费游美。入伊里诺爱大学。习土木工程。宣统三年。入麻省工业学校。习机器工程。兼造船科。民国三年。得学士学位。习航空工程。民国四年。得硕士学位。曾得美国航空学会之奖。为留美学生会书记。撰航空机振动促进法。载航空世纪报。发明汉文打字机。在美国中国日本。注册专利。为伦敦航空报访员。曾任美国卡梯斯航空公司工程师。民国五年。回国。任上海商务印书馆机器工程师。兼南京高等师范学校顾问。为美国大学同学会。及中国科学会等会员。现时通信处。上海宝山路商务印书馆。

Chow, H. K.-Born in Wusih, Kiangsu, 1889. Studied at Nanyang College, Shanghai, 1901-8; at Tangshan Railway and Engineering College, Tangshan, 1908-10. Arrived in America, September, 1910. Government support. Studied Civil Engineering at the University of Illinois, 1910-11; Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1911-14; Aeronautical Engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1914-5. S.B., 1914; S.M., 1915. Awarded Aero Club of America Prize for high standing, 1916. Secretary, Chinese Students' Allian-ce, 1914-15. Author, "Damping of Oscillation of an Aeroplane", Aerial Age Weekly. Invented Chinese Typewriter patented in U.S.A., Japan and China, 1911-16. Correspondent of London Aeronautics. Aeronautic Engineer, Curtiss Aeroplane Co., 1915-16. Returned to China, February, 1916. Me-chanical Engineer, Commercial Press, Shanghai, 1916. Advisor to Govern-ment Teachers' College, Nanking, 1916. Member: American University Club; Science Club; etc.