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尤志迈 字怀皋。年三十岁。生于江苏吴县。父先甲。丙子科举人。历任苏杭甬路董事。苏州商务总会总理。自治公所总董。本籍通信处。江苏苏州刘家浜。已婚。初学于苏州东吴大学。及日本东京明治大学。宣统元年。自费游美。入康奈尔大学。习农业。民国二年。得学士学位。是年回国。民国三年。任苏州农事试验场长。民国四年。任上海中美土产公司经理。为江苏省农会评议员。及江苏吴县农会会员。现时通信处。上海白尔路四百五十五号。

Yu, T. M.-Born in Soochow, Kiangsu, 1887. Studied at Soochow University, 1901-6; at Min-Che University, Tokio, Japan, 1906-7. Arrived in America, December, 1909. Private support. Studied Agriculture at Cornell University, 1910-13. B.S.A., 1913. Returned to China, December, 1913. Director, Agricultural Experiment Station, Soochow, 1914. Manager, Ameri-can and Chinese Product Co., Shanghai, 1915-16. Member, Kiangsu Provincial Agricultural Association, 1914-16.