Wang, Cheng-Fu.-Born in Ningpo, Chekiang, 1890. Married, 1916. Studied at Anglo-Chinese College and Government Middle School, Tientsin, 1903-4; at Peiyang University, Tientsin, 1904-10. Chin Shih, 1910. Member, Hanlin Academy, 1910-11. Arrived in America, June, 1911. Government support. Studied Metallurgy and Mining at Columbia University, 1911-15. M.A., 1912. Treasurer, once Vice-President and once President, Chinese Students' Alliance, 1913-15. President, Chinese Students' Christian Association and Councilman, New York Cosmo-politan Club, 1914-15. Member, American Institute of Mining Engineers,1915. Author, "Notes on Han Yeh Ping Company, Mines Quarterly, Columbia University, 1912. Chief Manager, Chinese Students' Monthly, 1912-13. Returned to China, September, 1915. Secretary for Returned Students, Pekiug Y.M.C.A., 1915-16. Chief Engineer, Iron Division, Penchihu Coal and Iron Co., 1916 to date. Member, Chinese Engineers' Association and Japanese Iron and Steel Association, 1915.