Tyau, Edward S.-Born in Sunning, Kwangtung, 1881. Married, 1908. Studied at St. Peter's School, Honolulu, 1895-96; at Iolani College, Honolulu, 1896-98; at St. John's University, Shanghai, 1898-1908. M.D., 1908. Awarded first prizes for obstetrics and all round studies, 1908. HousePhysician, St. Luke's Hospital, Shanghai, 1908-10. Chief Physician, Geldenhui Hospital, Transvaal, Africa, 1910-12. Arrived in America, September, 1912. Partial government support. Studied Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, 1912-14. D. P. H., 1913. President, U. of P. Chinese Students' Club, 1913-14. Author: "Demand of Modern Medicine" and "Public Health Education," Chinese Medical Journal, 1915; "Human Sperotochosis," National Medical Journal, 1916. Returned to China, August, 1914. Professor of Clinical Pathology and Dermatology, Shanghai, 1914-16. Physician in Charge, St. Luke's Hospital, 1916 to date. Treasurer, National Medical Association, 1916. President, St. John's Alumni Association, 1915-16.